Round 1
Wellington Standard Distance Champs
On top of this being the best entry level triathlon in the country Round 1 of the Barefoot Triathlon series also has something for those who have those competitive genes. The Wellington Standard Distance Champs highlights those who are training to be the best they can be in triathlon with age grade categories from U18 right through to 60+.
LocationPāuatahanui Inlet
Date1st December 2024
Race Check in
Sunday Morning | 8:00 am |
Start Times
8:00 am | Transition / Bib Collection opens |
9:15 am | Pick ‘n’ Mix Start |
9:45 am | Olympic Triathlon, Aquathon, OWS & Aquabike (Individuals and Teams) |
9:50 am | All Duathlon events start at run start |
10:15 am | Sprint Triathlon , Aquathon, OWS & Aquabike – All athletes |
10:20 am | Give it a Tri |
Awards & Spot Prizes |
Give it a Tri | 100m swim – 10km cycle – 2km run |
Sprint Triathlon | 500m swim – 20km cycle – 5km run |
Standard Triathlon | 1500m swim – 40km cycle – 10km run |
Give it a Du | 10km cycle – 2km run |
Sprint Duathlon | 20km cycle – 5km run |
Standard Duathlon | 40km cycle – 10km run |
Sprint Aquabike | 500m swim – 20km cycle |
Standard Aquabike | 1500m swim – 40km cycle |
Pick’n’Mix |

“Awesome little event, well run and easy to follow courses”
Pick’n’Mix – 9:15am Start
Up to 4 and a half hours of racing, any number of laps, of any discipline, only catch….. you must do at least one lap of each and you must be finished by 1:45 pm.
How do we find a winner you may ask?
Points will be attributed to each lap completed of each individual discipline and are calculated based on the difficulty of each. Half laps do not count so time your last lap well.
Why are we doing this?
This is a chance to re-think what triathlon means to you.
We want to give those training for some of the longer races coming up the opportunity to tailor their training in a race format. (Where else can you get this?) We also love the idea of throwing a different tactical element to our races.
Good Luck.
Race Day info
Best advice for all competitors (not just first timers), is to arrive at the race site early. The best way to avoid being rushed is to insure that you have enough time to get organised pre-race.
After parking, take your bike and gear with you to the transition area (the big fenced in area with the bike racks) and claim a spot of real estate for yourself.
You can ‘rack’ your bike by either hooking the seat over the top rail of the bike rack or by hooking the handlebars/brake levers over the top rail. The choice is yours – whichever works better for you. Take a look around to see what others are doing, and then follow suit. Once your bike is racked, you can drop your gear next to it – there should be time to lay it out neatly later.
Now you should consider heading to the check in area

“Great bunch of people! Give it a go, you won’t regret it!!!”