Race Check in

Sunday Morning6:00 am

2km Swim

80km Bike

18km Run

Start Times

7:00 amWellington 100
7:00 amEarly Birds – Want to give yourself a bit more time to enjoy your race? Start early. 
8:05 amStandard Triathlon & Aquabike (Individuals and Teams)
8:10 amAll Duathlon events
8:35 amSprint Triathlon & Aquabike – All Men
8:40 amSprint Triathlon & Aquabike – All Women & All Teams
8:45 amGive it a Tri 
11:00 amWellington Secondary School Champs prizegiving
1:00 pmWellington 100km Champs prizegiving
Awards & Spot Prizes


Give it a Tri100m swim – 10km cycle – 2km run
Sprint Triathlon500m swim – 20km cycle – 5km run
Standard Triathlon1500m swim – 40km cycle – 10km run
Give it a Du10km cycle – 2km run
Sprint Duathlon20km cycle – 5km run
Standard Duathlon40km cycle – 10km run
Sprint Aquabike500m swim – 20km cycle
Standard Aquabike1500m swim – 40km cycle
Wellington 1002km swim – 80km cycle – 18km run

Wellington 100

Wellington’s long distance triathlon – Course information will be updated shortly.

2km Swim

4 Laps of the pristine water in Scorching Bay. We keep the laps short so you enjoy the calmest waters and we can guarantee a good swim. At the end of each lap you will round a beach marker to provide high quality participant experience.

80km Bike

4 Laps on a flat and fast course (unless the Wellington wind decides otherwise). This 4 lap course brings you back past transition twice on each lap meaning great for spectators and participants alike. 

Starting in Scorching bay the course heads south towards Seatoun. After 3.6km of head down riding pass over the only hill on the course as you cross to Breaker bay. Continue around the bays to the turn point at Moa Point animal shelter.  You will then follow your trail back to and past transition while you ride on the closed road section of our course. This 6km section gives a quick out and back blast until you complete your lap past transition and head south again. 

18km Run

A 3 lap stunner. Round the bays to Shelly bay and back on a closed road. 3 laps give you a chance for multiple high fives while keeping an eye on your competition.

Wellington Secondary Schools Triathlon

Barefoot Triathlon series Secondary Schools is a dedicated schools event as part of Wellington’s premier event the Wellington 100 to encourage young people into triathlon. With a distance for brand new entrants and young triathletes pushing for glory it also acts as a pathway event into the TriNZ secondary school national series. No need for specialist bikes or equipment. An event for everyone.

Race Day info

Best advice for all competitors (not just first timers), is to arrive at the race site early. The best way to avoid being rushed is to insure that you have enough time to get organised pre-race. 

After parking, take your bike and gear with you to the transition area (the big fenced in area with the bike racks) and claim a spot of real estate for yourself.

You can ‘rack’ your bike by either hooking the seat over the top rail of the bike rack or by hooking the handlebars/brake levers over the top rail. The choice is yours – whichever works better for you. Take a look around to see what others are doing, and then follow suit. Once your bike is racked, you can drop your gear next to it – there should be time to lay it out neatly later.

Now you should consider heading to the check in area.